Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Collaborative Project - Socrative and Educreations

        I was blessed to have Carin and Carlie help me with a couple of projects in my math class this week!  I wanted to have my diff math students create math questions to get ready for the NESA test.  I paired them up and assigned them each a chapter or two from our math curriculum.  We started by having them write their questions on paper.  This was not an easy task for them.  They used the textbook or notes to write their questions.  We talked about writing a good question, especially multiple choice.  They had to write at least one of each of the three question types.  Having the worksheet set up just like it is in Socrative was helpful (see below).  I also had to read through the questions to check for accurate answers (and good questions).  Some kids had to make some corrections before they were ready to type.
     On that day that Carlie and Carin came, I worked with three groups at a time to type their questions.  I used all three of our teacher accounts. (It didn't seem to work to have multiple people using one Socrative account at the same time.   We then ended up with three different quizzes. Carlie and Carin each took 1 group at a time and worked with them to create a short video of one of their problems using Educreations.  We ended up with two different videos.  I am posting them on our 4th grade website. Tomorrow during class we will alternate between playing the Socrative games and watching the videos.  I plan to do student paced since that seemed to work best the last time.  The students are pretty excited to play the games that they created as well as watch their videos!  I'll have to post more after class tomorrow.
     All in all, I think this was a great project.  I know I wouldn't have been able to do this all by myself.  I think after using Socrative once, I could send individuals or pairs to work on this a bit more independently.  I'm not sure if they are ready to use Educreations on their own or not.  It is certainly a great way to check for understanding.  I know that Carin noticed a few kiddos that needed a bit of reteaching before they were ready to make their video.  Here are the links to the two Educreations Videos. 

1 comment:

  1. Annie, congratulations on finding a way to accomplish your goal of having students create digital activities to review math. In this way students learn math and new literacies skills! You collaborated with two other teachers from class to make this happen. Can't wait to hear how this worked today!
