Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Preparing Students for the 21st Century - Using New Literacy Skills in the classroom

     This week we are studying 3 Dimensional figures in math. I decided to try the Internet Workshop method with my differentiated math class. I thought this would be a great opportunity to try this method since this topic is very vocabulary heavy and it is a two day lesson. 
     I found and bookmarked on our 4th grade website (, a few links with information about 3D figures.  Some of the sites are interactive. I created a worksheet where students will record the information they learned about the figures, including finding a few definitions of vocabulary terms, drawing the figure and its net, as well as determining the number of faces, edges and vertices. The students will complete the on-line research and record their findings on the worksheet during the first class period.  For my early finishers, I have a few extra blanks for them to add in additional 3D figures that they may discover. Then, they will all be able to share what they learned and fill in any incomplete facts as well as any extra information they learned through their web research either at the end of the first class period or at the beginning of the second.  I should be able to determine what still needs to be taught as well as any misconceptions at this time.  
     I will comment on how it goes after I try it with my kids! Something to consider when I do this type of activity again would be to move from a paper worksheet to an on-line worksheet such as a Google doc to record their findings.  I feel like a paper worksheet might be a good place to start.


  1. Hi Annie,
    I am so happy to see that you are going to use the internet workshop with your students, especially in the Math. I would really like to know your plans and how it goes. It will be interesting to see the children's performance in learning math in a new way. Keep me updated, please.

  2. The vocabulary was my concern when using the Internet Workshop Method with my students that have a language impairment. I think we have some work to do in regards to summarizing and locating links that encapsulate the topic best. Keep me posted.

  3. This sounds like a great activity to have students better understand the math vocabulary, as well as get extra practice with math problems when identifying edges, vertices, faces, etc. I feel like using an Internet Workshop method would be a good choice when reviewing math concepts--as well as checking to see which concepts students understand and which ones they need more practice with.

  4. Annie, I love how you are fitting the Internet Workshop Method in as an activity you may have taught differently this week. I am thinking this will engage students through the use of technology and hopefully help them to learn the figures and their meanings more quickly. I also think by allowing students to explore figures of their own at the end will encourage students to make connections with figures they already know to those newly researched. I will be anxious to see how this works for you and your students.

  5. I agree that next time if you try this method that using Google Doc/Spreadsheets might be an option. It would meet your district requirement for teaching a technology component while reducing the number of copies you have to make. A win-win! I wonder though if the students would be able to toggle back and forth between the two tabs. It might need to be a skill you pre-teach.

  6. Annie, I love this idea and I also think that it might help the sped kiddos also make those connections and might be more engaging and give them another way to practice/review rather then always doing paper/pencil. I would like to see if it helps any of the resource kiddos stay engaged and learn the information without a lot of reteaches.

  7. I went to your website and looked at your bookmarked sites and they are great. I think the kids will surely benefit from some the internet workshop prior to instruction. What a great source to solidify learning and to use to review when they get home to do homework and forget terms or concepts. the kids love exploring and discovering online instead of just taking notes from lecture...much more engaging of all of the diff. kids. I would like to see the worksheet you created.

  8. Annie,
    This sounds like a great activity that students will learn a lot about 3D figures. I think it will be very engaging and students will make great connections. I am looking forward to hear how the activity went!!

  9. Sounds challenging! I wonder how yo will measure/ observe the impact.

  10. I realized that I never did comment on how the activity went. It went very well! Most of the kids enjoyed the opportunity to explore at their own pace. There were a few, as there always are, that were unable to accomplish very much in the ample time they were given. We did review the information at the beginning of the next class period and they were able to make corrections if needed. I don't think my kids are ready to navigate between sites and a google doc to take notes. If I tried that, I would want it to be a very simple, short activity to give them the experience. Maybe soon!
